Cohen & Sinowski

Best Car Accident Lawyers In Woodstock, GA

Woodstock Ga Car Accident AttorneysAuto collision statistics are compiled yearly and the numbers from 2015 are both surprising and disturbing. The Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety reports that there were more than 335,000 crashes, resulting in serious injuries to 19,405 people. These victims suffer tremendously from the pain, but they endure other losses as well.

The Woodstock car accident attorneys at Cohen & Sinowski have the experience and legal knowledge necessary to fight for your rights, as we have been helping crash victims for more than 25 years. Please contact our office schedule a free consultation and check out some important information about how these cases work.

Woodstock Car Accident Attorneys Helping Injured Victims

Our auto accident attorneys at Cohen & Sinowski represent victims who are hurt due to another driver’s careless or reckless acts, such as:

  • Speeding;
  • Distracted driving;
  • Improper lane changes;
  • Reckless driving;
  • DUI and drugged driving;
  • Many other types of dangerous, risky conduct;

Most motor vehicle crash crashes are based upon the legal concept of negligence, so there are certain facts you need to prove. Our team will gather evidence and develop a legal strategy to meet all four essential elements:

  1. The responsible motorist’s duty to exercise reasonable care in driving the vehicle;
  2. A failure to comply with this legal duty;
  3. A link between the driver’s breach of duty and the accident that led to your injuries;
  4. The physical, emotional, and financial losses you suffer as a result of your injuries;

Additional Areas Of Representation In Personal Injury Cases

Negligence is also a root cause in other types of injury-causing accidents. Our lawyers at Cohen & Sinowski also advocate on behalf of victims who are hurt due to:

You May Be Entitled To Compensation

In a car accident or other personal injury case, you can recover for the losses you sustain as a result of being hurt. Our lawyers will fight to ensure you get the maximum amount of compensation available by law, including:

  • Medical expenses;
  • Pain and suffering;
  • Lost wages;
  • Emotional anguish;
  • Diminished quality of life;
  • Losses based upon your personal relationships;
  • Others depending on your circumstances;

You should note that your right to compensation is restricted by time. Under Georgia’s statute of limitations, you have two years to file a lawsuit. Your claim is barred after expiration, and the clock starts to run on the date you were injured. In addition, comparative negligence is a rule that may affect your amount of compensation. If you were partially at fault in the accident, your monetary award is reduced on a percentage basis.

More Information

Consult With Our Woodstock Car Accident Attorneys For Free

You put your rights at risk if you attempt to represent yourself in negotiations with an insurance company or in court. Let our personal injury lawyers at Cohen & Sinowski shoulder the legal burdens, so you can focus on returning to health. To schedule a free consultation, please contact us at (404) 351-8888 or visit our website. Our office serves clients in Woodstock and throughout Cherokee County, GA, and we are happy to explain your options.

Cohen & Sinowski

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(404) 351-8888

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