While often overlooked in personal injury cases, because of the chaos that can follow after an injury, it’s extremely important to get medical help as soon as possible. Even if you aren’t sure what the extent of your injuries are, seeking help from a licensed medical doctor can provide the evidence needed to help you receive compensation for your injuries and medical costs.
Often after an accident, the body sends adrenaline through your system that can make it difficult to feel the extent of your injuries. Injuries may not be evident until weeks or even months after an accident. If you’re injured in an accident, even if it just feels like minor aches and pains, it’s important to see a doctor in case your injuries worsen.
Seek Proper Medical Help
It’s important to be seen by a medical doctor in order to build a solid personal injury case because you’ll need a medical professional to verify your claim. Schedule an appointment to be seen by a specialist such as a chiropractor or physical therapist within 72 hours after the accident.
A chiropractor has the expertise and experience to treat soft tissue injuries and reduce inflammation caused as a result of auto accidents, slip and falls, and other personal injury incidents. They will examine and document your injuries, which can be used as evidence to support your case.
Contact the Injury Attorneys at Cohen & Sinowski Today
If you’ve been injured in an accident, first seek medical care for your injuries. Then contact the experienced injury attorneys at Cohen & Sinowski to begin building a case. We’ll help you seek appropriate compensation for your injuries.
Call us at (404) 351-8888, or request a free case review.
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