$ 2,200,000
A young woman was thrown from a vehicle in Clayton County landing on her neck and back suffering an injury to her spine, causing her to become a paraplegic. She had more than 250k in medical expenses and permanent injuries.
CASE RESULT: The case was tried to a verdict in Clayton County.
$ 810,000
A middle-aged client was exiting her apartment complex in Norcross when her stairs collapsed causing her to fall. She suffered multiple herniations in her back which required surgery. She had more than 300k in medical bills and permanent injuries.
CASE RESULT: The case was tried in the Northern District Court of the State of Georgia.
$ 750,000
A 13-year child was a passenger in her mother’s vehicle when defendant exiting a Decatur home depot hit the client’s car head-on. The child had multiple head injuries requiring multiple surgeries costing more than 60k.
CASE RESULT: The case was settled out of court in DeKalb County.
$ 451,000
A middle aged black woman was driving to work when the defendant ran a red light near Grady Hospital and totaled her vehicle. She had surgery for multiple herniations in her neck and over 150k in medical bills.
CASE RESULT: The case was tried to a verdict in Fulton County.
$ 250,000
A 35 year old was Struck in the rear by a distracted driver playing on her phone. She suffered injuries to both of her shoulders and her lower back. She treated with the ER, physical therapy, and an orthopedic.
CASE RESULT: The case was resolved at mediation
$ 241,000
A 10 year old child was run over by a Commercial HVAC truck in Cobb County dragging him and causing scarring to his legs. He had multiple skin graphs costing more than 50k.
CASE RESULT: The case was settled out of Court in Cobb County.
$ 200,000
A Hispanic family was traveling from Wisconsin when the defendant struck and totaled their vehicle. The Plaintiffs had approximately 50k in medicals resulting from chiropractic, emergency room care treatment and orthopedic evaluations.
CASE RESULT: The case settled presuit.
$ 175,000
A 20 year old male was a passenger on 75 north when the driver attempted to avoid a collision and traveled under a tractor trailer. The client suffered a rotator cuff and SLAP tear injury requiring two surgeries.
CASE RESULT: The case was settled out of Court in Fulton County.
$ 150,000
A middle aged pedestrian was hit by a Segway near the Atlanta Airport leading to a rotator cuff tear and $60k in medical bills and lost wages.
CASE RESULT: The case was tried in a Fulton County Jury.
$ 150,000
A young woman was struck in her vehicle from in Buckhead from behind resulting in a herniation in her neck and surgery. She recovered quite well.
CASE RESULT: The case was tried in a Fulton County Jury.
$ 135,000
A middle aged women was traveling on 285 when the Defendant failed to maintain lane and struck her vehicle. She suffered neck, back and a broken finger, requiring surgery. She incurred 60k in medical expenses.
CASE RESULT: The case settled pre suit.
$ 100,000
A middle aged man was struck from behind while traveling on Hwy 85 and suffered a herniation in his back requiring multiple injections and approximately 37k in medical expenses.
CASE RESULT: The case was pre suit.
$ 58,000
The Defendant exited a private drive causing a collision with a middle aged women. She had multiple herniations to her neck requiring injections and chiropractic treatment. She incurred 34 in medical bills.
CASE RESULT: The case was pre suit.
$ 50,000
A middle aged woman was hit from behind in downtown Atlanta. She had slight damage to her car and was treated for soft tissue injuries for one month incurring 18k in medical bills.
CASE RESULT: The case settled out of court in Fulton County.
$ 50,000
A middle aged man was running on a sidewalk in College Park when he fell over a broken irrigation box suffering a broken wrist and neck pain. Total medicals were 24k.
CASE RESULT: The case settled out of court in Fulton County.
$ 35,000
A middle aged women was struck from behind with moderate damage to her vehicle. She treated at the emergency room, with a chiropractor and a pain management doctor incurring 17k in medicals.
CASE RESULT: The case settled pre-suit.
$ 30,000
A middle aged women was rear ended while sitting in traffic in Kennesaw. She treated with a chiropractor and orthopedic for approximately 12k in meds.
CASE RESULT: The case was settled pre-suit.
$ 30,000
A middle aged man was in a taxi when a DUI defendant struck the Plaintiff. He treated with chiropractic and orthopedic for neck and back pain, incurring 13k in medical bills.
CASE RESULT: The case was settled pre-suit.
$ 13,000
Defendant ran a stop sign and struck Plaintiff in Cobb County resulting in soft tissues injuries requiring chiropractic care.
CASE RESULT: Client incurred medical bills of 4k.
At Cohen & Sinowski, we are dedicated to securing the best possible outcomes for our clients, as evidenced by our recent case results. If you or a loved one has experienced a personal injury, don’t wait to get the help you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation and find out how we can achieve results for you too.
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(404) 351-8888