Carroll County is the home of some of Georgia’s most highly-trafficked roads, including Interstate 20, U.S. Route 27, and numerous state routes. As the county continues to grow, these roads become even more critical and necessary; there are more cars on the road, and more people needing to commute to various locations both in and out of the county. Unfortunately, more congestion increases the risk of traffic accidents.
At the law office of Cohen & Sinowski our Carroll County car accident lawyers are here to support you if you’ve been in a crash. Call our lawyers today for a free consultation about how to maximize the amount of compensation available to you.
The Basics Of A Carroll County Car Accident Claim
Following a car accident in Carroll County, there are multiple things that may cause stress and unease, including the need for medical care and vehicle repairs, questions about fault, and worries about the financial implications of a wreck. Knowing how to navigate the car accident claim process is important. In Georgia, the basics of a car accident claim are as follows:
The at-fault party is responsible for paying for damages via their liability insurance policy – you can file a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance, or file a lawsuit directly against the responsible party;
The value of your settlement is based on your damages and your degree of fault. You can seek compensation for both economic and noneconomic losses, but your compensation award can be reduced in proportion to your degree of fault for the accident.
You don’t have to accept a settlement offer – in fact, our attorneys encourage most of our clients to reject a first settlement and negotiate for a higher amount; and
If you pursue a car accident lawsuit, you must file your case within two years from the date of the accident. Waiting longer than two years can serve as a bar to recovery.
How Our Lawyers Help
While at-fault drivers may have an obligation to pay for the damages that they cause–and not-at-fault drivers may be entitled to the full value of losses they have suffered–this does not mean that the claim process is always straightforward, nor that insurance adjusters are always eager to cooperate. Our lawyers help by:
- Investigating your case and proving fault;
- Building your claim and presenting evidence;
- Disproving any allegations that you contributed to the accident;
- Working with experts to determine the value of your claim;
- Managing negotiations on your behalf;
- Representing you in court if litigation is necessary;
Call Our Carroll County Car Accident Attorneys Today
If you have been in a car accident, working with a qualified Carroll County car accident lawyer can help you to recover the compensation that you deserve. To learn more about our process and your options, please call us today for a free, no-obligation consultation. We will do our best to answer all of your tough legal questions.
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(404) 351-8888