Cohen & Sinowski
Cohen & Sinowski

The Role of Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage in Georgia: Protecting Yourself in Personal Injury Cases

  • Published: May 17, 2023


Common Defense Tactics, Fault, And Well-Defended Settlement CasesIn the unfortunate event of an accident with an uninsured or underinsured motorist, it is crucial to understand the role of uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage in Georgia. This type of insurance provides essential protection for you and your loved ones in personal injury cases. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage, how it works, and how it can protect you in the event of an accident.

What is Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage?

Uninsured motorist (UM) coverage protects you if you are involved in an accident with a driver who does not have any liability insurance. On the other hand, underinsured motorist (UIM) coverage comes into play when the at-fault driver has liability insurance, but their coverage limits are not sufficient to cover your damages.

In Georgia, auto insurance companies are required to offer UM/UIM coverage as part of their policies. However, you have the option to reject this coverage in writing if you choose. It is important to note that having UM/UIM coverage can be invaluable in protecting your financial well-being in the event of an accident.

How Does Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage Work in Georgia?

In Georgia, there are two types of UM/UIM coverage: “reduced-by” and “add-on.”

  1. Reduced-by UM/UIM coverage: This type of coverage will pay the difference between the at-fault driver’s liability limits and your UM/UIM coverage limits. For example, if you have $50,000 in UM/UIM coverage and the at-fault driver has $25,000 in liability coverage, your reduced-by UM/UIM coverage would pay up to $25,000 ($50,000 – $25,000) for your damages.
  2. Add-on UM/UIM coverage: This coverage is added on top of the at-fault driver’s liability limits, providing additional protection. Using the same example, if you have $50,000 in add-on UM/UIM coverage, you would have a total of $75,000 ($50,000 + $25,000) available to cover your damages.

Filing a Claim for Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist Coverage

If you are involved in an accident with an uninsured or underinsured motorist, you should take the following steps:

  1. Notify your insurance company: Inform your insurance company of the accident as soon as possible. They will guide you through the process of filing a UM/UIM claim.
  2. Gather evidence: Collect any relevant evidence, such as photographs of the accident scene, police reports, and witness statements, to support your claim.
  3. Seek medical attention: Even if you do not feel injured immediately after the accident, it is essential to seek medical attention. Some injuries may not be apparent right away, and having documentation of your injuries can help support your claim.
  4. Consult with an experienced personal injury attorney: Navigating the complexities of a UM/UIM claim can be challenging. An experienced personal injury attorney can help guide you through the process and ensure that your rights are protected.


Uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage is a critical component of your auto insurance policy in Georgia. It provides essential protection in the event of an accident with a driver who does not have adequate liability insurance. By understanding the role of UM/UIM coverage and how it works, you can better protect yourself and your loved ones in personal injury cases.

If you have been involved in an accident with an uninsured or underinsured motorist, the team at Cohen & Sinowski is here to help. Our experienced personal injury attorneys will guide you through the process and fight for the compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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